EVENT Electronics スタジオモニター 20/20 を買い取りしました♪
■ 参考文献
LF Driver 8″ mineral filled polypropylene cone with 1?” diameter high
temperature voice coil, damped rubber surround and magnetic
HF Driver: 1″ natural silk dome with ferrofluid voice coil coolant and
magnetic shielding
2.2kHz, second order
Crossover: 2.2kHz, second order
Frequency Response: 50Hz – 20kHz, ±2dB, Ref 500Hz
Power Handling 150W program, 200W peak
Nominal Impedance 4W
Sensitivity 5/8” vinyl laminated lock-mitered MDF
Connectors: Red and black 5-way binding posts on ?” centers
Polarity: Positive signal at red terminal produces outward cone
Dimensions 10?” W x 14?” H x 11?” D
Weight: 22 lbs. each
EVENT Electronics スタジオモニター 20/20 の 買い取り リサイクル は是非リサイクルハンターへお電話下さい!0120−565−240まで☆